Fuck this guy. After Obama won, The Bill O'Reilly "Factor" made made a piss-poor joke of a video segment on how horrific of a city San Francisco is. One of his shitbird interns, Jesse Cockface, went to San Francisco and interviewed a bunch of layabouts and crackhead trannies. After some cheap editing and a 6th-grade commentary, the result is this tour de force of news reporting.

Alright then, William. If that's how you're going to play, let me tell you what the people of San Francisco think of you. No one in San Francisco would mind if Al Qaeda locked your entire family in the bottom of a porta pottie, shit on them for a week, and then dumped them in a giant blender set to "puree." Bill, we would also be perfectly fine if Al Qaeda then hung you with meat hooks by your racist cellulite and dunked you head first in your family/shit-puree until you choked on your wife's heart of stone.

I'd go on, but I have a gay wedding to attend, after which I'm going to have some interracial sex and smoke a blunt while watching Family Guy. Suck it you old bigot - we're the future.

tell us how you really feel coque.
fuck yeah dude, couldn't have said it better myself.
I have never seen a more biased, unobjective, pseudo-cumentary as that Fox News piece.
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